Is this a PIP?
There’s work that me and my manager both kind of neglected for months, things got messy and I couldn’t do the job right, couldn’t communicate well with my manager, and found myself doing awful work and not completing it because I was waiting for him to review it and tell me what’s left to complete. Well, he took months to do it, with his neglect and my lazy ass things got to where they are now. When he started reviewing he was shocked to see that there are a lot of things undone. He got angry, telling me that I can’t keep going like that and that I’m soon to be CPA so how come my work is so bad and that I’m missing a lot of things and not completing it. I politely accepted and told him I’ll do my best to complete everything. But he didn’t just calm down and accept my answer. He started reviewing my work and sending me notes by email and CC’ing the partner. Then started asking me for daily email of what tasks I did. I went on with it and actually sent the emails as he wanted. But it’s gotten to a point where he interrupted my calls with other managers, sent me messages like “fine. Don’t answer. This will be dealt on management level”. Telling me things like “you’ve been working blindly and not learning anything, doing only technical work” and that’s because I didn’t notice something that he expected me to. I couldn’t do my best because 1)he is shit at communicating and I wasted half a year working with him 2) working under pressure and managers expecting me to finish work fast. I lost all faith in myself. And I feel like they don’t trust me anymore. He wants to know how many hours exactly I work and what I complete exactly. Is this normal? Or micromanagement? The partner is of course on his side, so I’m fucked from all angles.