Scam Tablets - Update
Sorry to leave you guys hanging. Original post:
I researched online to find a law or similar scenario and the only somewhat relevant thing I could find was Bayer the company getting fined for failure to warn about the dangers of it's product. Then I had some other life stuff to tend to and I didn't do anything further with with the 7ohmz tablets. I actually took a break from taking them altogether.
Well, I just went to the store today and the same guy was working. He immediately tells me that they had issues with the guy that supplies their 7ohm stock. One of the brands they sell is Hydroxie, which comes inside a box. He said one of the boxes had no tablets in them. I look over and still see that they have the "S7" fake 7OHMZ on the counter display. I didn't mention this in the previous post, but when I first pointed out the fake tablets to him, one of the things he kept saying was "they're all the same, they're all the same". This time when I pointed it out that those are fake he said it again "they're all the same". I didn't argue with him. He speaks decent English, but its not his first language. He was nice. I'm obviously not buying the fake 7OHMZ so I started looking at the packaging of other brands like Hydroxie and together we opened a few Hydroxie boxes to see if the blister foil was intact. I ended up buying Hydroxie 5-pack and Press'd 3-pack. When you spend over $50 they have this wheel you can spin that has different discounts like $5-off or 2%-off. I got %10 off which is the biggest discount on there and he said he was going to give that discount regardless.
Now, I don't think this guy is in on the scam. I certainly don't think he is taking 7ohm products. I don't know what kind of tell-tale signs I'd be looking for, but I'd put my money on that this guy has never even tried kratom before. I've bought vape juice before and it was difficult to get him to grab the right vape juice that I wanted. He was oblivious to 3mg or 6mg. Maybe this too just isn't in his wheelhouse and he can't be bothered. I still haven't heard anything from the FTC report I filed. I started looking online for a way to report a crime without having to call 911. I can submit a tip online through Crime Stoppers, so I will do that. I was concerned that if I had called the police, they would have already removed the fake tablets by then, but now that I'm seeing that they're still for sale I feel like I should at least notify Crime Stoppers.